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WestBridge Blog: Wellness

Benefitting the Mind in Yoga Practice

People try yoga for all different reasons—to lose weight, to find inner peace, to improve balance and flexibility, or simply to get more active. And all of those are certainly worthy motivations. But there’s another benefit to yoga that might …

Mind the Heart

American Heart Month is rapidly approaching—and that is something we take seriously here at WestBridge. It might surprise you to learn that heart health and mental health are closely interconnected—and when you take action to keep your ticker fully functional, …

Nicotine: How Important is it to Break Free?

There are many reasons why people start using products with tobacco in them. You may be someone who started smoking with your friends because it seemed like a cool thing to do, or you didn’t want to be the only …

The Importance of Breakfast

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Our nurses and chefs stress the importance of eating breakfast by pointing out the benefits and concerns if you skip out. A hearty breakfast provides the energy …

The Impact of Stress on Dual Disorders

Stress is the catch-all word for any time we’re overwhelmed or over-worked. Factors that cause people stress are money, relationships, jobs, family responsibilities, and worries about these or other aspects of life. The effects of stress shouldn’t be underestimated, and …

WestBridge Meet & Greet WestBridge Meet & Greet

At WestBridge, we work with adult men and families from around the country and, in some cases, the world. One of the unique features of our model is our virtual Meet & Greet service which allows us to deepen our assessment and begin building trust and engaging participants  in the pre-admission process.