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Top Mental Health Issues College Students Deal With

Top-Mental-Health-Issues-College-Students-Deal-WithGoing to college can be fun and exciting, but also daunting and overwhelming. It is not surprising that many college students—and in particular, college freshmen—deal with significant mental health maladies.

In fact, some studies indicate that more than a quarter of all college students face some kind of mental health disorder—which begs the question: What are some of the most common mental health issues on college campuses?

An overview of them might include any or all of the following:

College campuses obviously carry high risks of their own—risks that any of these mental health disorders could raise. That is what makes it imperative for college students to put their own mental well-being first. Look for creative outlets for stress. Learn strategies for managing anxiety. Students should try to develop a normal routine of sleep and make eating three healthy meals a day a priority.

Is your college student experiencing symptoms of mental health disorders? Encourage them to speak with someone about any overwhelming feelings they might experience; sometimes, a relationship with a counselor or a support group is the best way to cope with the stresses college may bring.

What advice would you give to students dealing with these issues? Share on Facebook!

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