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The Benefit of Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dog with Young ManWestBridge utilizes a volunteer therapy dog with a calm nature, serene patience, and who loves companionship. Our therapy dog routinely visits The Commons Residence.

Therapy dogs offer a broad spectrum of benefits to individuals grappling with mental health issues or substance abuse challenges, spanning both domains.

Benefits for Individuals Experiencing Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders:

Emotional Support: Whether facing mental illness or substance abuse, individuals often grapple with feelings of isolation and feeling misunderstood. Therapy dogs can provide comfort and unconditional love, fostering improved mood and diminishing loneliness.

Anxiety and Stress Reduction: For those battling anxiety disorders, PTSD, other mental illnesses, or the stress of addiction recovery, interacting with therapy dogs can be transformative. Petting a therapy dog releases endorphins and oxytocin, promoting relaxation and happiness.

Improved Social Skills: Therapy dogs are social catalysts, bridging gaps for those with social challenges. Their presence can ease social interactions, offering opportunities for connection and participation.

Routine Establishment: Therapy dogs demand a structured schedule for feeding, exercise, and care. This predictable routine is particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions like depression that disrupt daily life.

Non-Judgmental Companionship: The unconditional acceptance therapy dogs provide creates a safe space for individuals to express themselves openly, free from fear or misunderstanding.

Promotion of Physical Activity: Engaging in physical activities like walking and playing with therapy dogs bolsters mental health, lessening the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Distraction from Symptoms: Whether coping with mental health symptoms or cravings associated with substance abuse, therapy dogs can offer a welcome distraction from intrusive thoughts and emotional pain.

It is crucial to recognize that therapy dogs are a valuable complement to, but not a replacement for, professional mental health or addiction treatment. That is why we integrate therapy dog visits into a comprehensive care plan for our participants. For more information about our programs, visit Services offered by WestBridge.

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