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TED Talks Mental Health Series: The Power of Addiction and the Addiction of Power

If the success of a doctor is measured by the longevity of his patients, the Hungarian-born, Canadian psychiatrist Gabor Maté deems himself as a failure. Specializing treatment with terminal illnesses, chemical dependents, and HIV positive patients, Dr. Maté’s theme at TEDxRio+20 was addiction — from drugs to power.

His talk covers various dimensions, including the lack of love to the desire to escape oneself, from susceptibility of the being to interior power. His generous prescription for treatment is: “Find your nature and be nice to yourself.” He eloquently explains the human condition of destructive behaviors, which aims at awakening the mind and bringing some understanding to personal addictions or pain.

Quite often, the recovery process may focus on the mechanics of mental illness or substance use. Dr. Maté emphasizes the power of personal experience. His talk is person-centered, and he defines ‘addiction’ in terms of a ‘seeking’ from external sources of an experience. Addiction may provide relief or solace that is unable to be generated from internal sources. This has adverse consequences, even when the person feels that they are unable to stop.

Dr. Maté’s insightful perspective focuses on the inner need for self-recognition. “The question we must ask is, “Why are people afraid of life? If you want to understand addiction, you cannot ask what is wrong with the addiction, you have to look at what is right about it. In other words, what is the person getting from the addiction, what are they getting that they don’t otherwise have?”

He notes that experiences have a key role in shaping a person’s perceptions of the world and others. Interpersonal interactions do affect the recovery process. People benefit by taking a holistic approach to their own health, and this can be facilitated by support systems.

The wider scope of his talk emphasizes the need for relationship and community. Individually, people can become aware and cognizant of their mental health or substance use disorders. Yet, it requires a strong support system to begin the journey towards recovery. Similar to this model of recovery, WestBridge offers an expert staff for participants and their families to provide a unique support system and culture. The staff is dedicated to providing individualized treatment to each participant and their needs for a healthy and optimistic journey towards recovery.

WestBridge’s Family Education and Support Program provides a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment plan that helps participants and their families learn about mental illness and substance use disorders, practice problem-solving skills, and develop communication skills that support long-term recovery. Overall wellness becomes a collaborative goal that is achieved through support, empathy, encouragement, and teamwork.

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