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It’s OK to Ask for Help

Its-OK-to-Ask-for-HelpRecovery from substance use or a mental health disorder is similar to recovering from any other chronic illness.   Successful recovery, while it can seem to take a lifetime, requires changes in living that help manage symptoms and promote health. Those who are successful in their recovery have come to realize the importance of enlisting the help of friends and family. This can be a challenge in and of itself; for many of us, asking for help with anything is difficult.

Recovery is too important to jeopardize over a matter of pride, however. For those struggling with a serious disorder, it is important to recognize that there is no weakness in asking for help. In fact, there is real strength that comes from vulnerability—from having the courage to reach out to someone and ask for a hand.

As you prepare to ask for help, keep the following points in mind:

Recovery is not an easy process; you are going to need encouragement and assistance along the way. Do not hesitate to ask for it. That is a key first step toward lifelong recovery. Ask someone to help you make changes in your life, perhaps even to admit yourself into WestBridge, today.

How did you ask for help in your recovery? Tell us your story.

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